Our Team
We are creating full time and part time positions on our team as we expand our repair shop services and bring on new professional clientele to our business services.
Many jobs and positions are able to be done remotely. Our wage structure includes quarterly bonuses and raises and all positions come with paid time off and tiered benefit packages covering personal technology, entertainment, and health/well being. Each role on our team also has options for advancement.
Each member on our team upholds our company values:
- We are accountable to ourselves, our team, our clients, and our customers.
- We commit to delivering quality service in a timely manor.
- We conduct ourselves with integrity and honesty.
- We communicate respectfully, openly, and directly.
- We cultivate personal growth.
- We move quickly.
- We innovate.
- Ambition for a career with a long term opportunity.
- Dedication to overcoming the necessary challenges to pursuing goals.
- Self motivation for exploring technology and it's creative application.
- Commitment to the principles of teamwork and values.
Join us
To apply to be a member of our team please send a cover letter and resume addressed to Lorelle to
careers [at] intersafeit.com
Available Positions
- IT Admin
- Sales Associate
New unlisted positions
Do you have skills to offer which don't fit into the positions above? We'd like to hear how our team can benefit with you as a member so reach out to Lorelle at careers [at] intersafeit.com with your skills, background, and how you feel you can fit best on our team.